Community Collaboration- Brampton Digital Art Project

I’m working on some exciting digital art with the City of Brampton Culture Office and we want the project to reflect back the voices of the community.

So, we’re asking for your help!

Jasmin Pannu Art Studio Brampton City Public Art Digital Art Mural Painting.jpg

Submit your thoughts/ ideas/ vision here to be included in this community collaboration digital art project:

Once collected, I’ll incorporate your ideas and voices into the digital artwork (including web banners, social icons and more featured throughout City of Brampton’s website and social media presence).

So, when you see the digital artworks, they’ll be a true reflection of our community.

Here are some words from City of Brampton Culture Office,

“We are working on a new project that celebrates Brampton’s emerging creative talent. This project is all about creative expression, collaboration, and community, and we want you to join the conversation! What does it mean to be a creative in Brampton? How are you shaping the city’s creative identity? How would you describe Brampton’s creative scene?”

City of Brampton x Jasmin Pannu Art Projects and Collaborations

This project marks my 4th commissioned artwork with the City of Brampton and it’s an honour to continue to work with the city in which I’ve spent the majority of my life.

Working in the realm of public art gives me the opportunity to create artworks that influence the people and environment, that’s why I love to include the voices of the community.

Here are a few artworks I’ve had the privilege of creating for our city, from a pop-up interactive artwork (where residents added 100+ messages of hope and positivity) on Main street to celebrate Brampton’s Farmer’s Market, to photos opps with murals at Canada Day in Chingcousy Park and Winter Festival gatherings near City Hall.

Get in touch regarding digital art, paintings or mural commissions:

Follow @JasminPannu on Instagram to follow along on current art projects, exhibitions and behind-the-scenes #ArtistLife